Volunteer Guide in PDF added on 7/10/17
What’s the most fun thing to do at Parade? Volunteer to work at an event. The Porsche Parade is 99% volunteer supported! That’s how all of us from all over the country get to know each other, by working a couple of volunteer shifts during the week with other PCA members. Volunteers are very much needed with the numerous tasks to help make this event run smoothly.
By volunteering to work at the Parade, you will receive a specially designed shirt to be worn while you work. When you complete a shift, please have your Volunteer Worker card stamped. A shift is between 3 and 6 hours, normally a morning(AM), mid-day(MD), or an afternoon(PM) shift. Work two shifts and you will be qualified to attend the Worker’s Party luncheon held on Saturday, July 15h at 11am which includes a great lunch, time for socializing, and door prizes. It’s free just for being a Parade Volunteer Worker as a registered entrant.
Children 14 years of age and over can volunteer for most events with the permission of the parents and at the discretion of the event chair.
Volunteer sign up will take place during Phase 2 Registration in April and you must be registered for Parade to volunteer
Volunteer Information – general description of the responsibilities within each worker area:
5K Walk/Run: |
Assist with setup, cleanup, and ensuring participants stay on route. Saturday morning the last day of Parade. |
Art Show: |
Help receive artwork, secure artwork, and monitor the room. Remove displays and close out the art show at the end of the event. Open all days of Parade and needs volunteers on Sunday and Monday for setup. |
Autocross: |
Set up the course, grid, work course, assist timing and scoring, hand out supplies, assist final tech, control traffic, and clean up afterwards. Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday all day, and Thursday all day shifts. |
Banquets: |
Set up and decorate for the banquets, take tickets, etc. Shifts on Sunday night, Monday mid-day, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Friday night, and Saturday night. |
Concours: |
Field layout, car placements, field marshals, traffic control, runners/timers, scoring. Concours Judges must be pre-approved by Head Judge. |
Concours Prep: |
Assist with organizing car cleaning area for Concours participants and general parade participants. Easy volunteer shifts if you arrive early to Parade Friday through Sunday prior to Sunday Parade Check-In. |
Equipment: |
Assist with the delivery, placements, and collection of supplies for events. Strong able bodied workers recommended for Equipment. Shifts available Monday through Saturday. |
Gimmick Rally: |
Assist at the start tent, collect score sheets, and tally scoring. Shifts on Thursday only. |
Goodie Store: |
Set up/take down displays, cash register checkout, counter help, sales help, stocking, inventory, door duty, packing, etc. Shifts available Saturday through Saturday, strong able bodied workers need on both Saturdays. |
Historic Display: |
Monitor the participants viewing the classic street and racing cars. Shifts on Monday only. |
Hospitality: |
Greet and assist visitors, provide information, serve drinks and snack. Shifts Monday through Saturday morning and indoors. |
Internet Café: |
Assist users in the Internet Café. Need not be a tech genius, just familiar with how to turn on a computer and reload a printer with fresh papers. Shifts available Monday through Saturday morning and indoors. |
Michelin Drive/Compare: |
Assist with the course set-up, work grid, corners, traffic control, post event cleanup, and waivers. Shifts outdoors on Wednesday and Thursday. |
Parade 101/Info: |
Help answer questions and direct participants. Shifts available all days. |
Parade Check-In: |
Check-in registered entrants, work at various event tables, hand out goodie bags, assign banquet seating, etc. Recommend work shift for those arriving early on Saturday before Sunday Check-In. Shift indoors only on Sunday. Volunteering to work check-in will not get you into Check-In early on Saturday. |
Parade Kids: |
Assist in set up and running of the Parade Kids and Youth activities. Shifts available all days. |
Parking Control: |
Direct vehicles to correct areas to park as entrants arrive at Parade Headquarters. Primary helping direct people to various parking lots and help with the trailer parking on Saturday and Sunday. |
R/C Cars: |
Help set up the course, run timing, and registration. Shifts on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. |
Tech Sessions: |
Assist speakers, monitor and work A/V equipment, help with refreshments. Shifts on Friday only. |
Technical Quiz: |
Greet entrants; hand out quiz, monitor, collect, and score. Saturday morning before the workers luncheon. |
Tours: |
Tour volunteers assist in organizing the cars into groups and acting as tour group leaders and/or sweepers. For bus tours, volunteers make sure that only people who have signed up are on the tour and may also act as the tour coordinator making sure everyone is present for the tour and are back on the bus for the return to Spokane. Walking tour volunteers make sure participants are all present and stay with the group throughout the tour. Shifts available Tuesday through Saturday and you must sign up for the tour you intend to volunteer for. |
TSD Rally: |
Checkpoint/control workers, staring, finishing, staging, scoring etc. Shifts on Tuesday only. |
Water/Ice: |
Assist with the delivery of water and ice at various outdoor events. Able bodied workers recommended, shifts available Monday through Saturday. |
Welcome Tent: |
Greet and assist entrants as they arrive at the resort. Need workers who plan to arrive early to the resort to work on Saturday and Sunday outside. |