Parade Registration

Welcome to the 2017 Spokane Washington Porsche Parade Phase 2 Registration!

Parade Entrants! Here is the latest update on Tours during Parade Week as of May 14, 2017:

Two tours have been added: Driving Tour:

  1. Schweitzer Mountain #3 on Wednesday, July 12 (88 openings currently);
  2. Walking Tour: Dry Fly #5 on Wednesday, July 12 (13 openings currently).

Three tours still have availability:

  1. Motor Coach Tour: Wine Tasting #1 on Tuesday, July 11 (1 opening currently);
  2. Motor Coach Tour: Wine Tasting #2 on Thursday, July 13 (13 openings currently);
  3. Walking Tour: Dry Fly #4 on Thursday, July 13 (2 openings currently).


  1. All of the rest of the tours at this time are filled, waitlisted and locked. Be patient, as we get closer to Parade, there continues to be entrant shifting! If tours “unlock”, you will be able to see this on your Parade Registration when that is available.
  2. Walking Tours: Dry Fly/No-Li #1 through #5: There has been a change in venue for the “Brewery” portion. Black Label Brewing Company is taking the place of No-Li Brewhouse (originally indicated at Parade Registration Open on 04.03.17). The walking distance increases slightly to 1.5 miles (45 minutes).

Kathleen Behrens
PCA Parade Registrar
Oregon Region

Spokane Registration Guide: here

Phase 1 Refund Policy:  All fees paid will be recorded and deposited at the time of registration.  Parade registrations are not transferable.  100% of your registration fee will be refunded if your emailed cancellation request ( is received prior to April 07, 2017; otherwise there will be a 50% cancellation fee.

Kathleen Behrens
Parade Registrar
503.579.3423 (PST)