Time, Speed and Distance (TSD) Rally
The Mobil 1 Time, Speed and Distance (TSD) Rally on Tuesday, July 11th, will take you around the beautiful rolling hills and plains of the Spokane area in a rally sharpened for your driving pleasure. It will delight the novice and challenge the rally experts! It will take about four hours to run including breaks (at the midpoint for gas and potty) and span approximately 100 miles. You should be back in time for the afternoon Ice Cream Social and RC Car competition! Whether you have never rallied before or just want a refresher, be sure to attend the TSD Rally School on Monday afternoon after you have viewed the concours and had lunch.
Our TSD Rally School on Monday afternoon is designed for the novice and taught by past TSD Rally champions. You will learn about the rally, what to bring, what to expect, tips for staying on time, what to do at a checkpoint (control), and how to fill out a score sheet. The school will also cover the rally generals (the rules of the event and how to use them), terminology, sample route instructions, Q&A session and more.
There are 5 classes for the TSD Rally. Because many cars now come with navigation systems, the use of a GPS Navigation system (factory built-in or the portable ones such as Garmin and TomTom and the new Porsche Classic as a retrofit on the older cars) has been clarified. The TSD Rally classes are defined in the Parade Competition Rules (PCRs, reference R-2). They are also summarized under the Registration/Rules tab on this website. Entrants are responsible for classifying their own vehicle. Changes can also be made at the Parade Check-In on Sunday, July 9th. If you have a question about the proper class for your vehicle, you can send an e-mail to: paradetsdrally2017@gmail.com and we will attempt to help you.
Only the entrant or co-entrant who is bringing the rally Porsche should register for the rally. If you are driving or navigating another Parade entrant’s Porsche, the other entrant must register for the rally and include your name on their rally registration. PCA's Junior Participation Program (JPP; 16 and 17 year old) members may not drive in the TSD Rally but may navigate with either of their sponsoring PCA members driving. PCA's College Age Family Program (CAFP) members may either drive or navigate in the rally. Parade Guests are not allowed to compete in this event. The status of entrants for the TSD Rally will be verified. If you would like us to help you partner up with a fellow Parade entrant, let us know and we will try to match you up. There will also be a board at the Parade Check-In that provides for messages, meal tickets wanted or available, etc.
The following references for use with the TSD Rally:
- Rally Section of the PCRs (8-9 pages)
- PCR Appendix VII - Time, Speed and Distance Rally Glossary (2 pages). Defines Left, Right, etc.
- The General Instructions (pdf format) - click here
- Rally School presentation (pdf format) - click here
- Rally School presentation (Powerpoint format) - click here
You are welcome to review similar items that were posted to the Parade websites for 2016 and 2015.
A tip for everyone: KNOW what TIME it is!! A digital clock (like a kitchen timer that reads to the second), is very helpful.
is the TSD Rally sponsor